Using Dial Plans for Microsoft Local Media Optimization
When the Device is deployed in a Microsoft Teams environment for its Local Media Optimization feature, you need to specify which Dial Plan in the Dial Plan table the Device must search for common groups between Teams sites. Teams sites that share the same group number means that their communication path is considered good voice quality and calls between them are intended for direct media calls. In other words, if the source and destination Teams sites share a common group, the Device processes the call as a direct media call.
The specified Dial Plan uses the 'Prefix' parameter to define the names of the Teams sites (e.g., "Singapore" and "Thailand") and the 'Tag' parameter lists the groups to which the Teams site belongs (e.g., "Group=2,7"). Microsoft's proprietary SIP header, MS-X-UserSite in the incoming SIP message received from the Teams client indicates the site to which the client belongs (e.g., "Singapore"). If the destination IP Group's 'Teams Local Media Optimization Site' parameter is configured to "Thailand", the device checks the Dial Plan if these two Teams sites share the same group (e.g., "2"). If they do belong to the same group, the Device processes the call as a direct media (bypass) call. Each Teams site can belong to multiple groups.
You can specify only one Dial Plan for this feature. |
The feature described in this section is applicable only to Teams-to-PSTN calls. |
To use Dial Plan for Microsoft Local Media Optimization: |
Open the Dial Plan table (see Configuring Dial Plans), and then configure a Dial Plan containing Dial Plan rules of Teams sites and the groups they belong to. For example, a Dial Plan called "RegionsDP" is configured with rules that include the Teams sites Singapore, Thailand and Hong Kong and the groups that each belong to: |
Open the SIP Definitions General Settings page (Setup menu > Signaling & Media tab > SIP Definitions folder > SIP Definitions General Settings), and then from the 'Regions Connectivity Dial Plan' drop-down list, select the Dial Plan that you configured in Step 1 (e.g., RegionsDP): |
Open the IP Groups table (see Configuring IP Groups), and then for each IP Group representing a Teams site, configure the 'Teams Local Media Optimization Site' parameter to the site's name. The site's name must be the same name as configured in the Dial Plan rule (configured in Step 2). For example, below shows the IP Group for the Singapore Teams site: |